Stock Trading Software Helps Investors

Stock trading software is one of the technological tools that help investors. Hedge funds and major investment firms have used stock trading software for years, perhaps decades. But, with the internet this computing power has finally landed in the hands of regular traders and investors.

There are several types of stock trading software:

One form of stock trading software narrows down the vast amount of stocks to ones that fit the investor's criteria. This type of stock trading software is called a screener because it screens through the stocks that best fit the investment an investor wants to put his or her money in.

Another stock trading software system allows an investor to predict when to buy and sell a stock. This stock trading software is usually available through a subscription and still relies on the investor to execute the trade.

Autotrading stock trading software is the last type. This not only predicts when are the best times to enter and exit a position, but will automatically place that trade with the investor's brokerage. This is often used by traders who "sell" their own stock picks. However, human traders are likely to fall into the greed and fear cycle.

Online Investing AI uses autotrading as a way to distribute its advanced stock predicting technology. Using artificial intelligence, the stock trading system can determine when to enter and exit positions based on logic, not emotions. Although, it can still "read" these emotions through an analysis of trading patterns--it just doesn't get locked into losing positions out of fear or enter high positions because of greed.

For the individual investor or trader, Online Investing AI makes a great addition to his or her portfolio, or a way to augment his or her trading. Since the trades are placed automatically, the investor does nothing, freeing up more time for more trading activity... or relaxing!

For more information about autotrading software, check and learn how to Get Rich Smart.